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Тема сообщения: Дополнены правила игры и соревнований  СообщениеОтправлено: Апр 06, 2008 - 09:22 PM

Зарегистрирован: Июль 16, 2002
Сообщений: 3653
Откуда : Москва
На порследней ГА ФМЖД во Франции были приняты дополнения к правилам игры и положениям о соревнованиях. Текст пока на английском -

1. "О контроле за электронными средствами"

General Assembly FMJD 2007
Proposal Technical committee on “electronic doping”

It is strictly forbidden for the players to carry with them and / or use any kind of electronic devices (like mobile phones, handheld computers, pocket computers, wireless communication devices, etc.), unless it is evident for the referee that these devices could not be of any benefit during the game (like simple watches).
According to the judgment of the Main Referee on the seriousness of the violation of this rule the referee can give a formal warning or declare the game lost or even remove the player from the tournament.

An article will be taken into Annex 3 of the FMJD rules, by which this rule will be valid for all tournaments recognized by the FMJD.

The last years we have seen many incidents with mobil telephones ringing in the playing hall of tournaments. In some tournaments there were fines, in other tournaments the games were declared lost.
The problem is not so much that these Mobil telephones make some noise during the game, but that it is possible to commit fraud during the game: to receive messages on mobil phones or pocket computers, to analyse a game on your pocket computer while visiting the toilet etc.

The meaning of this article is to forbid players to even carry such things with them during the game. Referees together with organisations can arrange practical solutions for what to do with the Mobil phones during the game (on referee table, with organisation, … etc.)
With the given formulation the referee has some flexibility to act depending on the importance of the tournament and the seriousness of the violation.

Коротко. Запрещено во время игры даже иметь при себе мобильники, налодонники и прочее. Меры - вплоть до исключения из турнира.

2. "Игра одной рукой"

General Assembly FMJD 2007
Proposal Technical committee on making a move with one hand

It is obligatory to make a move, take captured pieces from the board and push the clock with one and the same hand.

Many times in time shortage and in blitz games players play with two hands.
As an example when more than one piece has to be taken from the board and there is time shortage many players do their move and the taking of pieces with two hands.
Many times it is not clear for the opponent what happens because he can not see the board with two hands above it. Also it is not clear for the referee. It is impossible to see if the rules about taking the pieces in the correct order are followed.
It is difficult for the opponent and/or the referee to say something about this because it is not yet clear enough in our regulations that this is forbidden.

The Technical commission proposes to add some articles to Annex 1 and/or Annex 3, rules of game and rules of competition, in which it will be made fully clear that it is only allowed to make a move with one hand: So making the move, taking the pieces from the board and pushing the clock with one and the same hand.
Making a move with two hands will be considered an irregularity which has to be corrected if the opponent demands it.

Коротко. Делать ход, убирать шашки с доски и первоодить часы нужно только одной и той же рукой.

3. "О контролях времени, зоне цейтнота, правилах записи партии и т д ...

General Assembly FMJD 2007
Proposals Technical committee for time schedules and notation.

In the general assembly of 2005 new time schedules were accepted as part of the TC report. In the last two years there appeared to be problems in our regulations with regard to these new time schedules.
This proposal is meant to solve these problems.

The technical commission proposes:

1. To give the possibility to add some extra seconds per move Fischer system at the end of the game with a fixed time schedule. An example of a fixed time schedule is: 2 hours for 50 moves and 30 minutes to the end of the game. The TC proposes to add 10 to 20 seconds per move at the end of the game.
1a. To make it obligatory to use extra Fischer seconds at the end of the game when a fixed
time schedule is used and when electronic clocks are available.
2. To give a better definition of time shortage. By this better definition it becomes clearer when a player is in time shortage and does not have to make his notation any more. Part of this proposal is to have the obligation to write to the end of the game in a system with 1 minute or more extra per move with the Fischer system.
3. To decrease the time punishment for a player who can not find his notation from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. It is not acceptable that a player who can not find his notation after his flag has fallen has to use 15 minutes of the rest of playing time to find this notation, especially when the next period may be 30 minutes for 25 moves. The Technical commission has the opinion that the game is much more important then the notation and the notation should not have a too big influence on the game and the time a player has to make his moves.

Details on Proposals Technical committee for time schedules and notation

Proposal 1..
In playing time schedules ending with a fixed time to end the whole game it is preferred to give a minor addition of extra seconds Fischer system per move from the moment that the flag falls after this fixed time.

This proposal is meant to avoid long endgame playing in remise positions only with the goal of winning on time. This proposal is also in line with the proposal accepted by the GA in 2003 to make more use of the electronic clocks and the Fischer system because it gives less problems in the endgames situation. A game can be normally finished without taking too much extra time.

As an example consider the World Championship time schedule of 2005:
6 hours round: 50 moves in 2 hours and one hour each player to the end.
The Technical committee proposes to give the possibility to add some seconds per move (Fischer system) at the end of such fixed time schedules. As an example: In the WC 2007 the time schedule to be used is 50 moves in 2 hours and one hour for the next 25 moves and then 20 seconds per move from the moment that the flag falls for the first player.
Many top level grandmasters have reacted positively on this proposal.
It is clear that the possibility to use this system depends on the use of electronic clocks.
In proposal 1a we explain that it will be obligatory to use a system with extra Fischer seconds if the tournament is played with a fixed time schedule and if electronic clocks are available.

General Assembly FMJD 2007
Proposal 2 better definition of time shortage and obligation to make notation

The word “time control” was differently interpreted in the last years. It was not clear whether in a fixed time schedule there was time control at the end of the game. This meant that in some tournaments players had to make their notation with less than 5 minutes time at the end of the game. With this proposal it is made clear that in a fixed time schedule a player does not have to write if he has less than 5 minutes time until the end of the game.

Proposal 2a: better definition of time shortage
Change article 6.12: A player is said to be in ‘time shortage’ when he has 5 minutes or less to go before the time control.
Into new article 6.12:
A player is said to be in ‘time shortage’ when he has 5 minutes or less to go before his flag falls.

Proposal 2b: special case: Fischer system with 1 minute per move.
In this case we propose that the players will have to write until the end of the game, even if they have less than 5 minutes time on their clock. . In practice in EDC tournaments in the period 2005-2007 this obligation to write was normally accepted by the players.
add to article 6.12:
However if the game is played with the Fischer system with 1 minute or more for each move, the player is said never to be in time shortage.

proposal 3 : 5 minutes time maximum for finding notation
In our annex 3 article 6.13e find the following:
“Any player in time shortage is not obliged to continue recording the game. However, once his flag has fallen, or in the case of an electronic clock the time signal has occurred, he must record the moves made during his time shortage, if possible with the help of the referee. This must be done during his own playing time. If this takes more than 15 minutes, the referee may postpone this till after the game.”
We propose to change these 15 minutes into 5 minutes.
This rule is seldom used to “punish” players who can not find their notation, and the punishment of 15 minutes is relatively more severe if we use the new time system like “5 hours round: 50 moves in 2 hours and 30 minutes each player to the end”. A player who can not find his notation must use 15 minutes of his precious 30 minutes for his next 25 moves.

Appendix to proposal for time schedules and notation, General assembly FMJD 2007 :
new articles in French language

Proposition pour les changements dans le règlement FMJD :

Proposition 1.
Ajouter a l’article 6.1
Si la cadence de jeu se termine par un temps fixe pour terminer le partie (cadence a, b et c), il est préférable d’ajouter une brève période système Fischer avec quelques secondes par coup à partir du moment de dépassement du temps fixe pour le premier joueur.
Si la cadence de jeu se termine par un temps fixe pour terminer le partie et si le tournoi est joué avec des pendules electronique il est obligatoire d’ajouter cette periode avec système Fischer.
Seulement quand on ne possède pas des pendules electroniques c’est accepté de jouer avec un temps fixe sans une brève période système Fischer pour terminer le partie.

Proposition 2
Annex 3,
6.12 Phase critique de nécessité de temps
Le joueur ne disposant plus que de cinq minutes avant le contrôle du temps est considéré être dans une phase critique de nécessité de temps.

Nouvelle version :
6.12 Phase critique de nécessité de temps
Le joueur ne disposant plus que de cinq minutes jusqu'au dépassement du temps de jeu est considéré être dans une phase critique de nécessité de temps.
Néanmoins, si la partie est jouée dans une cadence système Fischer avec 1 minute ou plus par coup le joueur est considéré ne jamais être dans une phase critique de nécessité de temps

Proposition 3, dernier phrase de l’article 6.13
Si ce temps excède 15 minutes, l'arbitre pourra reporter cette obligation à l'issue de la partie, lors de l'accomplissement des formalités de l'Article 6.19., ci-après.

Nouvelle version :
Si ce temps excède 5 minutes, l'arbitre pourra reporter cette obligation à l'issue de la partie, lors de l'accomplissement des formalités de l'Article 6.19., ci-après.

4. "Положения о мировых рекордах в сеансах одновременной игры с часами и не гляда на доску"

Proposal Technical Committee for Worldrecord clock-simultaneous games and for World Record blindfold simultaneous event.

The Technical committee proposes to make it possible to set a World Record clock simultaneous games.

In our regulations for performances and records, annex 8, 3 types of performances are defined: The simultaneous game, the blindfold simultaneous game and the clock simultaneous game.
In annex 11 for World Records only the simultaneous game and the blindfold simultaneous game are described.
With this proposal we want to add the clock-simultaneous game to annex 11 so that also world records in clock simultaneous games may be performed.
A minimum number of opponents of 25 is set; the minimum score of the clock simultaneous player has to be 70 %.
The time schedule for a clock simultaneous game is the official standard FMJD time schedule of 2 hours for 50 moves followed by 1 hour for each 25 moves for each player.
A performance is better than a previous performance if the number of players is higher, or with the same number of players, the simultaneous player has a higher score.
The Technical committee proposes that these regulations are valid starting from the date of the First World Record attempt by Alexander Schwarzman on September 21, 2007.

The technical committee proposes to set a minimum average rating level of 1900 for the opponents of a player performing a World Record clock simultaneous event or a World Record blindfold simultaneous event.

If players only have a national rating then this national rating may be used if the national rating is known to be somehow comparable to the FMJD rating.
Players without any rating are supposed to have the same rating as the weakest player with a rating.
At least 70 % of the opponents should have a national or international rating.
The rating level of 1900 corresponds to the strength of the opponents in the last World Records blind simultaneous event by the current World Record holder Ton Sijbrands.

For all world records: an improvement of a World Record consists of a higher number of opponents or a higher score with the same number of opponents.

Appendix to proposal for World Record clock simultaneous event.
Changes in annex 11, French text:

Article 2: Activités de référence, ajouter
3. parties jouées en ‘simultanée à la pendule’ ;

Article 3: Définition des activités, ajouter :
3.3. Simultanée a la pendule
Même définition que la précédente sauf que le simultanéiste, circulera, à sa meilleure convenance, d'un damier à un autre de son choix, où il juge utile de se rendre.

Article 4: Critères de Performance, ajouter :
4.3 Pour une simultanée a la pendule
4.3.1 le nombre de concurrents, opposés au simultanéiste, doit avoir été au moins de vingt-cinq;
4.3.2 le simultanéiste doit avoir réalisé un résultat égal ou supérieur, à 70% des points;
4.3.3 parmi les concurrents, 70% devaient avoir un classement FMJD ou classement national comparable au classement FMJD. Un joueur sans classement reçoit un classement égal au classement minimum des autres concurrents.
4.3.4. Le classement moyenne des concurrent doit être 1900 ou plus.
4.3.5 le temps exact et précis consacré effectivement à la prestation doit avoir été communiqué.

Adaptation du règlement pour le simultanée sans voir :
4.2. Pour une simultanée sans voir
4.2.1 le nombre de concurrents, opposés au simultanéiste, doit avoir été au moins de dix;
4.2.2 le simultanéiste doit avoir réalisé un résultat égal ou supérieur, à 70% des points
4.2.3 parmi les concurrents, 70% devaient avoir un classement FMJD ou classement national comparable au classement FMJD. Un joueur sans classement reçoit un classement égal au classement minimum des autres concurrents.
4.2.4. Le classement moyenne des concurrent doit être 1900 ou plus.
4.2.5 le temps exact et précis consacré effectivement à la prestation doit avoir été communiqué.

Adaptation pour la meilleure performance considérée comme étant un record.
Article 4.1. changement dans l’ordre de l’article 4.1.2 et 4.1.3
4.1.2 le simultanéiste doit avoir réalisé un résultat égal, ou supérieur, à 80% des points;
4.1.3 parmi les concurrents, 70% devaient être membres de cercles affiliés à une fédération nationale;
Article 5 nouveau version :
Article 5: Record
En fonction des critères ci-avant énumérés 1 et 2 la meilleure performance sera considérée comme étant un record.

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